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Ben was an old soul who loved his friends and family, especially his nephews and nieces. He was a kind, compassionate protector with a unique ability to see the hurt in others and try to help in any way he could. A young man who would step up and act to correct a problem and not just talk about it. We often nicknamed him “Captain America” as he was always out righting the wrongs of the world. Ben was witty which made him the master of puns, this kept others smiling whenever he was around. To know Ben was to love him. He loved to entertain by playing his ukulele and guitar, Tragically on February 16, 2022, when I went to wake him up to go to work I discovered that our irreplaceable Ben had made a rash and permanent decision to take his own life. We did NOT see it coming! The last time I spoke to him, the night before, he was doing laundry and telling me that after work he would be going to his Bible study.  During the night he saw a social media post of a betrayal that he could not handle. Time stopped for him at age 21. His dream of becoming a police officer and helping others stopped for him in that moment of heartache. 


About Ben

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